Friday, May 22, 2009

all the foul words i know

tot i might just as well put in all the foul words i know, since i'm in a foul mood now, haha...

English :
fxxx, wtf, wtfh, fh, not much actually, compared to cantonese, that's why i say canto is a nice lingo, with lotsa foul words, haha.. :P

Cantonese :
t, ns, tns, t(ns)repeat till breathless (my fav), lm, tllm, tkllm, tkllmkh, tlkllmkch, tkllmkcfh, tkllm(klm)repeat till breathless, used it during uni days, h, fh, mh, mkh, mkfh, mch, mkch, mkcfh, cb, ccb, mkccb, mkcb(rarely heard), tkllmkccb, nm, nmkh, nmkch, nmkcfh (note : the word “f” is used as a prefix in most foul words, ditto for “c” and “k” and others), lk, lc, tc, l, ml, jml, mlc, mlchy, mly, (y is refered to any thing or event that pisses us off), ok..mind blank...

Hakka :
pntl, cnfs, tcb,tncb, not much too, maybe becos my hakka is poor, hehe..

lppl, lj, lpj, kns/gns,not much too, cos parents dont teach, and elders are all cultured ppl :)

md, tmd, qnmd, n, nn, man, not much too, cos mandarin is a cultured language, i think...

Malay :
p, z, not much either, and most malay frens uses canto swear words too...

Teochew :
pb, only learn this from frequent usage by housemate...

Hainan :
8 , know only few hainan words to begin with..

French :
(forgotten liao)

Japanese :
p , maybe due to japanese are very timid ppl, and dont swear in front of others..

Italian :
C (thanks to sweetie pie ;) )

For now, just want to take cold beer and sleep early...

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