Wednesday, November 12, 2008

centurion principles - part 4 (end)

Read the last few chapters, and its about the American Civil War generals, Robert E. Lee, Ulysess Grant, and President Lincoln.
The 3 of them were honored and revered by both comrades and enemies alike, because they share 1 common trait – compassion.
Lee denied the offer by president Lincoln to lead the Union army, as his hometown is the Confederates. He cant bear to kill his own neighbours and kampung people. He went on to lead the Confederates and surrendered gracefully later and urged the South to reconcile peacefully with the North.
Grant was known for his compassion, both to his soldiers, and even to enemy soldiers. He always accept surrenders, and tended to the wounded enemies and civilians immediately after each battle.
Lincoln never gives orders to his generals from his office in White House, and visits the soldiers frequently. He believes in trusting the generals to make the best decisions, and is good at making his point across using stories.

This is also similar to the famous Chinese general, Yue Fei (岳飞), who once said that the 5 criterias a general must possess are Compassion, Honour, Knowledge, Bravery, Discipline (仁信智勇严), and not one less. Loyal to the country till his wrongful execution, he remains an idol for all till this day.

Right, time to look for new book to read :-)

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