Wednesday, November 12, 2008

case 2 part 7 (end)

Part 7 – Finale

I arranged for “Big Dog” James, Michelle to come over my place that night. Setting up my webcam, I was able to get Miss Purple and Miss Tomato to join in. Unfortunately, Countess Yvonne cant join us. Her authority and professional testament as a physician will be helpful in lending weight on the evidences.

After serving beer to my guests, I presented them with my findings, explaining to them my gathering of facts, and the information I uncovered.
“Equagesic, from the phenazepine family, was used for the treatment of conditions where both pain and anxiety are present.” I made the concluding statements.
“It was the best-selling minor tranquilizer for a time, but has largely been replaced by the benzodiazepines, and banned in the UK since 2002.” With that I wrapped up my presentation.

Turning to the sobbing Michelle, I told her “Sorry, dear friend, but it seems your boyfriend died of a misadventure, due to overdosage of drugs.”
“ As no trace of alcohol or other sedatives are found in his blood, he cant be made drunk by Lydia. And the absence of physical marks on his body shows that no one tried to force the drugs on him.” I finished.

“Ok, bro, I’ll take over from here. Lydia will be released immediately.” With that, James escorted the sobbing Michelle out.

End of case #2.

Man, this story sucks, and I was forcing myself to finish it. We all already knew the cause of death early in the story, and no suspense at all. Guess I have no talent in this line, haha…

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