Sunday, March 22, 2009

case 4 - part 3

Part 3 – Checkmate

An elderly man in long sleeve shirt, and thick glasses sat on a stone stool, playing chess on the stone table by himself. Normally, i wouldnt bother about such ah peks, as they are a dime a dozen, but this guy is different. He is blocking the access to the staircase up. And he is someone i know.

“Greetings, sei si heng (4th elder brother, term refered to a senior in a martial arts school) ( 四师兄)” i greeted him. “Have you forgotten that Sifu told us that what goes around, comes around ? Why are you still working for Black Don?” i questioned.
“Hah, dont get me started about Sifu and his “karut”(old fashioned) ideologies. Pui !” He shot back, and spitted on the ground.
“Even if he doesnt punish you, you will get your punishment sooner or later.” i tried to talk some sense into him.
“Pui ! Who are you to lecture me? The old fart cant do anything to me now. Huh !” he spitted again.
“ (sigh..) Ok, suit yourself. I have no time to argue, I need to see your Boss.” i gave up on him.
“ You know the rules, you have to get the permission from us Four Heavenly Kings (四大天王) first. Now sit down and see if you can beat me in chess.” He glowered at me.
“Ok.” and i sat down opposite him.

The chess is played halfway, and White is at a disadvantage. The Black Rook is about to checkmate the White King. It will be difficult to defeat him, as his chess prowess is well known, and thus got his nickname Chess Rook (棋王四).

“Mate in 5 moves, hiehiehie...” he snickered.
“Pawn to e4.” i made my first move.
“Rook eats pawn.” he responded.
“Knight to e5.” i countered.
“Rook eats Knight. You are just throwing your pieces away. Hah !” he sneered.
“Bishop to e6.” i badgered on.
“Rook takes Bishop. Hahaha....” he started to laugh triumphantly.
“Queen to e7.”
“Rook takes Queen. You're done for in next move !” he yelled.
“White Rook to f8. Checkmate.” i move my piece next to his Black King, and finished the game.
“What? How can that be?” he hollered.

By sacrificing my pieces, i succeeded in making his own piece block the only escape route of his King. I also made use of his arrogance and over confidence. Sun Tzu's Art of War mentioned : Proud soldiers must lose. (骄兵必败). A general should maintain his cool at all times, and not be swept away by temporary gains. Lose a battle, but win the war

He stood up, and stared at me angrily while i made my way up the stairs.

To be continued...

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