Friday, November 14, 2008

teething problems

Been going to UH on and off these few months.

It all started when the gum above my front teeth with 18 years of Root Canal Treatment (RCT) became swollen, and dentist said i gotta redo the RCT.

The first time the dentist saw me, she's quite surprised, as my mom was pestering her lecturer to attend to me, telling her that “the patient's mom keep asking when you will see patient...”, so in her mind, i'm an 8 year old kid, with a protective mom.....
so when she saw me, she's like “what? You're the patient? I was expecting a small (reason above)...”, and i can only smile sheepishly at her, haha...

the cute, kind and soft spoken dentist (married with 2 kids, alas! hehe.. :P ) asked me my marital status, and it went something like this :

She : are you married?
Me : No.
She : why not?
me : cos my teeth are ugly.
she : ok, i will treat them well, so that they will look white and shiny.
me : ya, then i shall be able to get married.
she : haha...

this skilled and patient dentist then proceeded to extract out all the old fillings (eewww.....), and refill it. We had to go for x-rays every now and then, to make sure all the fillings are out, and the new fillings filled in nicely.
Its not a easy job, as my teeth is so small, and the internal canal is curved...making it the more difficult to extract out the fillings with a straight tool. And i can imagine dentist's eyes are strained to look with the microscope, and trying to control the tool over a small area.

went to dentist for follow up, and gave her the card and some chocolates.
She's happy with the card and short poem i made for her, hehe..
thanks to her, my teeth is shiny like new, and i can use it to show off to gals, haha...

unfortunately, the teeth cracked, as it is too thin, and we had to do crowning. So, am undergoing this new process, and learnt a thing or two about dentistry :D

man, i'm getting long-winded nowadays....

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