Wednesday, November 12, 2008

case 2 part 4

Part 4 - Another P.I.

I called up another like minded P.I., Miss Win for assistance. She shares the same passion for writing with me, and even featured me in a few of her blogs. Hope i can return the favor to her one of these days, after I retired.

Miss Win will help me to dig up the past of Lydia, and her connections with Vanila Brulee. I needed to be sure of Lydia’s credentials, and Win is the gal for the job. Its gonna be a win-win situation for all.

“Teet, Teet” my handphone rang. Expecting it to be Win, I answered it. Turns out to be my friendly banker, Miss Eve.
“M. Sticky, I might have a solution for your financial woes.”answered the sweet voice at the other end.
“Ya? “ I replied enthusiastically. For a man who’s ear deep in debts, any news is good news.
“You can contact my friend, Mr. Sam , and just tell her I referred you. You’ll get “special” rates from him.”she giggled.
“Right. Thanks. And…”never giving up, I tried asking her for lunch again.
“Have a nice day !” Tuuut, tuuut, tuuut, the handphone screamed. Better luck next time, I mumbled.

Having a long day, I drove back to my shabby den at 222 A, Oven Street. As I was opening the door, Win called, and confirmed that all Lydia told me was true. Guess that closed the lead on Lydia.

“Psst”, I opened a can of beer, and tried to figure things out, before dozing off.

To be continued..

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